Student Outcomes

The PornÑо¿Ëù participates in a number of annual surveys of former students. These survey projects collect and disseminate information about former students' post-secondary experiences at CNC, and their subsequent labour market and further education outcomes.

DACSO (Diploma, Associate Degree, and Certificate Student Outcomes) Survey collects feedback from former students who were in diploma, associate degree or certificate programs at CNC. Former students who either completed all or a significant portion of their program are included in the survey cohort, and are surveyed 9 to 20 months after they have left their program.

TFTRV (Trades Foundation & Trades-Related Vocational Student) Survey collects feedback from former students who completed either the final year of their apprenticeship, foundation or trades-related vocational program at CNC.

Further information about these student outcomes projects, including cohort criteria, copies of the annual questionnaires, and various publications using the data can be found on the